If you think you could never be a merchandising rep because
you’re an introvert, think again! Expression may not come easily for you, but
it’s not because you don’t have deep feelings. Let’s talk about how to
communicate your passion.
WORDS. Your choice of words is uber important in expressing
passion. The easiest fix is trading out your lackluster adjectives for ones
that sparkle. Look at the difference between, “I’m glad to see you,” and “What
a delight to see you again!” See what I mean? Both are greetings. Both express
pleasure. One is much more passive than the other. Practice speaking in
superlatives, and then take it down a notch. This is passion.
Use action words, not intransitive verbs. Look at the
difference between, “I like this display,” and “This pops!” Both express how
you feel about a client’s suggested display. One invites your client to approve
it, the other invites your client to love it. Practice superlative
speak, and then take it down a notch. This is passion.
ACTIONS. Begin with a smile, the best of all accessories.
Move on to an awareness of body language. An excited person never sits when he
could stand. He never stands still when he can move. Your level of activity
directly corresponds to the level of passion you wish to communicate. Let’s
face it: The seat of your pants just isn’t where it’s at. Move your arms when
you speak. Use bold gestures. Communicate over the top and your client will
absorb a part of your message. Practice extravagant gestures in front of a
mirror, and then take it down a notch. This is passion.
TRIBE. Your tribe directly affects the level of passion you
communicate. Submerse yourself in a pocket of introverts, and yes, you’ll adopt
more introvert mannerisms. Cultivate the presence of mentors and colleagues who
express their passion without cringing, and a few of those attributes just
might rub off and find a way into your psyche. This, too, is passion.
Never mistake passion for hype. It is genuine. Passion is
spoken with intention. It sneaks out in stories and reflects its presence from
gleaming eyes. So don’t worry about being “fake” in your expressions. Bumping
your affect up a notch isn’t fake, it’s an expression of emotion. Check out
this article from online
business success. Fifteen different people described passion, and you’re
sure to relate to one of them. Women’s
Agenda wrote a great article about expressing your passion to new clients
or prospective employers. It’s all about preparing and delivering your elevator
message—nail it and you just might find bold gestures, vivid imagery and an
active stance not so hard after all. This is passion.