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Woman merchandiser

February…And So Many Kinds of Love

Before you get bogged down in valentines and galantines and whatever pleasures of February might hold (as in the Superbowl), don’t forge the almost prosaic love of good old fashioned work. Work gets a bad rep, but think about it: Work offers you monetary reward. Work slices through a boring [...]
Woman merchandiser

Why Us?

Your staffing needs can change rapidly, especially in the dynamic world of retail. At Retail Staffing Solutions, we fully grasp the critical importance of providing reliable support during these fluctuations. Our dedicated and responsive support team stands ready to assist you at a moment's notice, whether you're navigating a sudden [...]
Woman merchandiser

RAK – Random acts of kindness

Are you seeing heralds of the season of giving? From bell ringers braving the elements outside stores to children poring over pictures of toys, the holiday envelops us in good will.  What better time to put a little RAK into action? Your tiny world will glimmer just a little brighter. [...]
Woman merchandiser

The Squeeze

We aren’t talking about toothpaste here, though how people attack those tubes tells a lot about each person, and let’s be clear, the couple who squeezes together stays together. Is that a thing? It should be. No, we’re talking about the proverbial rock and a hard place. Your to do [...]

Hacks to Do More

Productivity is such an elusive term, isn’t it? It meansgetting more done, like lots more…but what qualifies as being “more?” In theworld of the marketing rep, it involves getting the job done quicker andbetter…so let’s talk about just how that happens.     Start with a better to-do list. In [...]
Laptop on a wooden table

Go for the Goal Posts!

Do you remember that scene in You’ve Got Mail, whereMeg Ryan waxes poetic over the smell of newly sharpened pencils in the fall? Ithink we all remember those days of fresh crisp books and new beginnings, so goalsetting…it seems like a fitting topic. What better time to sit down andscope [...]
Question mark written/drawn on a black board

Frequently Asked Questions…

The future lies ever before us, and the gate we must enterfor new experiences is often tended by gatekeeper…gatekeepers with questions.Those questions can be tricky, so here’s a guide for how to respond.   According to,the ten most frequently asked questions asked by interviewers include:   What are your [...]
Black sun glasses on the sun

Don’t be a Summer Statistic

Let’s talk about summer fun. Have you noticed how all theworld is making up for the lost summer of 2020? You may be as well. You justcan’t seem to get enough vacation time, enough weekend jaunts, enough beachtime, enough gardening, enough outdoor time crammed into your summer. With each of [...]